You’re Invited to Environmental Coalition’s Fall Conference

What is the needed balance between open space and suburban homes that is necessary to make Spanaway more livable.  These and other questions about livability will be discussed at  Environmental Conference held on September 28


You’re Invited to Environmental Coalition’s Conference!

Save this date: Saturday, September 28th, the Environmental Coalition will host our Fall Conference about the future of growth management n Pierce County. This is the 30th anniversary of the first County Comp Plan.

From 9:00 to Noon, we’ll discuss changes in Pierce County’s Planning Department that will provide residents with a significant voice on zoning issues and how to create more livable communities.   We’ll also talk about how to implement the 20 Amendments that the county council passed this year. These are guidance about some of the needed changes that are necessary to make the Community Plan Areas more livable, not just more crowded.

We need environmental advocates on the County Planning Commission, and our Land Use Advisory Boards who can implement these changes and who will represent people from both political parties, as well as underepresented voices in the community.

Ryan Mello and other Pierce County Council members have been invited to discuss their plans for change that will put People First. Ryan Mello has been on the Puget Sound Regional Council for years and brings to the discussion a depth of knowledge about how to make zoning code into workable solutions.

In addition, advocates like Al Schmauder will lead a panel discussion on how the county can recharge aquifers, with a goal of returning stream flow in Clover Creek in late summer. This may sound difficult, and it will be.  But it is necessary to ensure local water companies will be able to meet the challenge of another one million people moving to our county.

Claudia Finseth also will lead a panel discussion about how we implement the current Growth Management Plan Amendments. She brings with her experience with Land Use Advisory Boards and Planning Commission. In helping to write the Parkland-Spanaway-Midland Communities Plan, Claudia Finseth participated in creating a vision for a thriving, livable community.

“Now is a chance to move that vision forward, including protecting the Spanaway Marsh as a new Wetland-Forest Preserve and finding appropriate ways to help people experiencing homelessness.”

John Garner will speak about all the open space projects and wildlife habitat that can be purchased if we double the amount of Conservation Futures funding every year. Come find out how to pass state legislation and coming legislation like this — that will be introduced in the State Legislature by the County Council..

 Dr. Elly McGahan will present information about how her Climate Change group  is coordinating with 12 cities to write grants and find was to reduce carbon emissions and prevent the effects of Climate Change on our cities and towns.

Brett Johnson will be there to bring us up to speed about the November election. He and others have been interviewing local candidates and knocking doors to talk to voters. He has a list of endorsed environmentally-minded candidates who would like to represent you in our county and state governments. GOTV!

We’ve invited Tim Trohiminovich from Futurewise will present what has been done to improve our Comprehensive Plan other the years, as well as coming state and local legislation that will add to livability in our communities.

Finally, we have invited Pierce County Parks & Recreation staff to show plans for building connecting trails and new parks in community plan areas over the next decade.

Each of these community leaders are going to need your help in making these changes. We hope you’ll add your ideas to these plans for the future, then join the movement and help us put the “community” back into our Community Plans. 

Community Organizer Kirk Kirkland will be there to discuss strategy and discuss other plans you may have in mind for your neighborhood, your community, or the entire county.

On the 30th anniversary of the Growth Management Plan in Pierce County, let’s figure out how we can work together to improve streetscapes, parks, forests, and trails that connect people and commercial areas in true community fashion, putting people first.

Let’s do this! See you on Saturday Sept. 28th, 9am.

Save the date for September 28, and we’ll tell you  the location in next months Environmental Coalition Newsletter.
